It's Been a Minute

How are you, friends??  Really - it's been a LONG several months of being in survival mode during eLearning {and, honestly, in recovery mode during the past few weeks once the school year ended} - but here we are with another school year stretching out before us.  Another year usually brings a buzz of excitement wondering about the new group of kids, implementing summer PD, and setting up my classroom.  This year is no different - excitement is brewing - but along with that is all of the uncertainty that the current pandemic brings with it.  

Are you starting the year on time?  Are you going to be teaching virtually or face-to-face to start?  I hope you start the year with your own sense of excitement, either way.  Treasure building those connections with your new students.  Find ways to make memories, whether from afar or within a 6-foot radius.  Reach out to parents and share classroom happenings - and make sure to sing the praises of specific students with parents.  Help your community know that learning is still happening and that your kids are loved!

Hey, also don't forget that it's sale time!  Teachers Pay Teachers' BTS sale has always been a time for me to peruse my stored wish-list items and to grab some needed resources while on sale.  And this year is no different.  It's fun to find new resources to share with kids and to make learning fun - AND to free up my valuable time since I don't have to recreate the wheel.  Save 20% on resources in my store, and use the code BTS20 to save an added 5%!

Here's to a good year - no matter what it looks like!  Stay healthy, friends!