Our Story

Welcome! We're so glad you stopped by to check out our blog! Whether it's your first visit, or you've dropped by before - you might just be wondering, "Who are these folks?"  We think it's high time we filled you in on our story.

We are two teachers who are blessed to be able to walk into the BEST job every single day!  As we write this, we have had the privilege to work with kids for a combined total of nearly 40 years....yep, that's 4-0.  During these years we've worked with kids in many capacities:  instructional assistant, pull-out-program teachers, a staff development/curriculum specialist, and classroom teachers.  

Currently we teach 3rd grade, but we've taught everything from preschool to 5th grade, and have worked with all types of students - from special needs students to gifted-and-talented (aren't they all??) students.  We've served on every possible committee you can name, and we've taught together for several years....by far the most fun years we've had as educators!

Now you may be thinking, "That's all fine, but 'Flubber Gals??' What's with this FLUBBER stuff?"  
Well, in all honesty, our journey teaching together really did start with FLUBBER!  It goes back more than a dozen years...

Imagine a science lab with two energetic teachers and 50+ students exploring states of matter by making...you guessed it:  FLUBBER!!

Can you just picture the epic fun of guiding 50 students in the process of discovering various scientific principles involved in this exploration of states of matter...throw in green dye that {somehow} ended up EVERYWHERE - not just on clothes and hands, but on faces, on the carpet, tables, sink...everywhere we looked there were smudges of green - like little aliens or leprechauns had taken over!

Here's the thing, though - immersed in this mini-kingdom of green globbiness with the 50 excited kids were two equally thrilled teachers (ok, exhausted teachers who looked like green versions of Smurfs) who were still laughing after school as they scrubbed green dye from every imaginable surface in that science lab...teachers who still (generally outdoors now using food coloring, no more dye) make flubber with kids each year and even years later have to stifle a giggle.

That day, that moment, making flubber with more than 50 students at once in a regular-sized classroom -- that's when we knew we were a {green} team-teaching-match made in heaven!

Have fun exploring our blog - and please be sure leave us some comments and feedback! We'd LOVE to hear your story!

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