Celebrating Collaboration with a Back-to-School Giveaway!

We've been pretty quiet this month, but we have been busy!  We were so blessed to meet some incredible teachers and teacher-authors at the TpT Orlando Conference!  We learned from each and every session we attended, and it's our plan to share some of those takeaways with you throughout the coming weeks.

In Orlando, we connected with many of our favorite teacher-authors and made many new friends - including this special group of gals who we are collaborating with on a Back-to-School giveaway! You are going to LOVE this collaborative effort because you might score some fun prizes!

Look below to see how you can win!

1. Follow me on Facebook and/or Instagram
2. Like the giveaway post.
3. Tag three teaching friends.
4. Click the link in the profile to enter the giveaway!

5. Good luck!

Back to School Giveaway Link

One of our most important takeaways was collaboration - whether setting up your classroom to foster a climate for collaboration or working with other teachers to share resources and ideas - collaboration is a key for us!


Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

Winner, winner - what's better than a chicken dinner!?  A Blog Launch Giveaway, for sure!

We gave away $200 in gift cards from Tieks, Target, Amazon, Starbucks, iTunes, and (of course) Teachers Pay Teachers.

Don't worry, no sweetie-pie chickens were harmed in the course of this giveaway - and the "girls" shown above picture are NOT going to be part of a "chicken dinner."  But we are super EGG-CITED to announce our winners!

Our Blog Launch Giveaway was such a blast!  We had over 2,000 entries!  Thank you to everyone who entered - we hope you found some fun and inspiring teachers to follow and learn with on social media or their respective blog sites.

Finally we want to give a shout-out to all of the PEEPS who helped us out with this:

Blog Launch Giveaway LAST DAY

Just a quick reminder today:

Please be sure to enter our Blog Launch Giveaway!  Winners will be announced on Sunday night right here, so please share this with your friends, too! (scroll down to enter)

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Next week we'll be in Orlando for the #TpTOrlando16 conference, and we are SO excited to have this chance to connect with other teacher-authors and learn from them! Watch our TpT store for a TpT Conference Sale on July 12-14, too.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Blog Launch GIVEAWAY!!

Whether you've visited us here before or are just stopping by for the first time - Welcome!  You're just in time for our Blog Launch Celebration!

What does that mean for you?  It means you can enter to win fabulous prizes!  Look at these - Tieks, Amazon, Target, iTunes, Starbucks, and Teachers Pay Teachers - seriously, something for everyone! Interested?  Keep reading!!  (Can you tell we're glad you are here??)

While we may be newbies in the blogging world, we are very excited to be creating this space that allows us to share our passion for what we do!  We'll continue to make small changes to tweak this space as we ourselves grow and learn, but we feel so blessed to have this opportunity to shout out lots of positive vibes to fellow educators!  Education gets enough negative press - let's show the world that there are also PLENTY of reasons to celebrate what's going on in our schools, too!

Just CLICK the link below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

We've grouped the embedded links by type: blogs, TpT stores, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest, to make it easy for you to find a particular blogger or seller - or so you can focus on the type of social media you are most likely to use.  Enter from July 1 to July 9 - winners will be announced right here on July 10!

Speaking of reasons to celebrate - we wouldn't be blogging at all if it weren't for the amazing and creative support we've received from other teachers, teacher-authors, bloggers, and some folks who are gifted at creating resources to make our own projects sparkle and shine!  Let's give them a little love and attention, too, so be sure to check out our faithful Blog Supporters below!

 Powerpoint Gaming