Are you on Spring Break this week? For many of us, Spring Break has come and gone by now. Many teachers are embroiled in "testing season," those few weeks where the dreaded standardized tests become our focus. Outside of testing, this part of the year is a favorite because by now my students are "trained" and totally (well, 98% of the time) understand rules, procedures, and protocol - even in a year with a worldwide pandemic.
'Tis the season of new beginnings and renewal....but, as temperatures rise and as outdoor and evening activities become more prevalent, teachers may find their stamina waning a bit. Well, here is a giveaway to put some SpRiNg in YoUr StEp!!
I've joined with a few friends on Instagram over at @rockingeducation to give away THREE gift cards for Teacher Pay Teachers!! Please click the link and take a look at some super educator accounts with hundreds of engaging resources - no purchase necessary! The giveaway ends on 4/16, and winners will be announced on 4/18. Good luck!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I'm in full bloom over here and VERY excited about this giveaway!